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Pink Zone Workshop

This month, Brown Design and CNU Savannah had the opportunity to participate in the Pink Zone Lean Urbanism Workshop presented by Hank Dittmar. We had the opportunity to be involved in reviewing the Pink Zone concepts and share our feedback on the problems and solutions of making small possible and design compatible small infill multi-family units to plug into the Pink Zone.


Pink Zones are areas where the red tape is lightened and is the place for execution of Lean Urbanism strategies and enhancements. It establishes an area where new procedures are pre-meditated and the tests are orchestrated all having the objective to remove barriers to economic growth and community-development.


                          Click to view presentation



Thank you Dittmar Associates for including us in the Lean Urbanism Workshop. It is always a pleasure to be involved in engaging conversations that are a strong approach to community-building that demand less resources.

originally posted 10.25.17




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